Angil + Hiddntracks

Mickael Mottet (aka Angil) and his Hiddentracks are an unconventional outfit at the best of times.  Setting out to record an album completely free of the letter ‘e’ and, moreover, any notes or chords of ‘E’ would not, we’re guessing, be the obvious route for most bands.  Choosing the road less travelled paid considerable dividends on ‘Oulipo Saliva’ based on the reviews it deservedly accummulated:

“Consumed by sheer artistic madness, Ouliposaliva will have you flipping chaotically backwards and forwards through the booklet, whilst its metaphysical philosophy will leave you ruminating on more than just the music. Mottet deploys verbal poetry like Soul Coughing’s M. Doughty and, like Javier Bardem in ‘No Country for Old Men’; he’s almost always a step ahead of you. This truly is an album you can’t just dip into, it’s a winning concept. And though it may not win millions of hearts, for those with time, it’s a truly rewarding experience.”

UNCUT [4/5]          THE FLY [4½/5]          ROCKSOUND [7/10]

Mickael and his colleagues continue to make music that delights, confuses and confounds.  Pretty much all you could ask for in our opinion. 

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