Rick Redbeard ‘Wild Young Country’

Sing Hosannah!  Rick Redbeard has finally announced details of the follow up to his quietly revered debut ‘No Selfish Heart‘ and there’s a new song to herald the news.  ‘Wild Young Country’ is the first single to be taken from ‘Awake Unto‘, his second collection of solo material due for release on June 17th.

In typical Rick Redbeard fashion, there’s a timeless, careworn quality to ‘Wild Young Country’: a starstruck, saloon-bar waltz that’s just as redolent of the Dakotan Black Hills as it is the salt-lashed landscapes of Gibbon’s northeast.  But, as always with Rick, it’s his voice that gets you: a rich, laconic baritone that’s as seasoned as the lyrics and melodies which make his songs so memorable.

Thanks to Tom at Gold Flake Paint for previewing the track for us, click here to have a listen…